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MEET THE 2024-2025 BOARD

Shawn & Jen Willson

  • 12th year homeschooling four children

  • 9th year with CHEF of GNO

  • 5th year serving on the Board

  • Homeschool Style: Ecclectic

WilsonFamily-25 (2).jpg

The Willsons will be responsible for the overall function of CHEF of GNO. They will coordinate the dates of activities and functions sponsored by the organization and oversee the work done by any individuals or organizations whose services are contracted on behalf of CHEF. They will represent CHEF of GNO in the community, maintain the website, and monitor social media. They will also send a weekly member newsletter.

Vice Presidents
Burt & Mandy Hazeltine

  • 19th year homeschooling four children
    (including two graduates!)

  • 9th year with CHEF of GNO

  • 4th year serving on the Board

  • Homeschool Style: Traditional

The Hazeltines will execute functions of the president when said officer cannot do so. They will create and oversee field trips and recruit members to help. They will promote field trips by writing content for a weekly member newsletter and assist the president in contacting coordinators of activities.  They will also assist in monitoring social media.



Nick & Amber Hybart

  • 5th year homeschooling four children

  • 5th year with CHEF of GNO

  • 1st year serving on the Board

  • Homeschool Style: Ecclectic


The Hybarts will record all business conducted at meetings and prepare the minutes for all meetings. They are responsible for managing incoming email messages to CHEF of GNO. They will create and promote service opportunities for members. They will also assist in monitoring social media.

  • 17th year homeschooling three children (including two graduates!)

  • 17th year with CHEF of GNO

  • 2nd year serving on the Board

  • Homeschool Style: Classical


Jerry and Francoise Dupre

The Dupres will be responsible for maintaining financial records of CHEF of GNO, for paying bills, providing regular financial reports, membership payments, and preparing the annual budget. They will issue payments to coordinators who organize events. They will also submit the 990-N form for maintaining CHEF of GNO's 501(c)(3) non profit status.

Have you considered serving on the CHEF of GNO board?  You can find the full requirements and duties of each office in the bylaws.  We work together and support each other!  Send us an email with a brief description of yourself and why you would like to serve on the board! 

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